SeaLand Group Ltd.
ние правим и доставяме всичко, от което имате нужда
Какво Правим?
Нашата основна дейност включва корабно снабдяване:
- хранително (провизии и напитки, включително алкохол и цигари), както и с широка гама пресни, замразени и сухи продукти, според нуждите на нашите клиенти, съобразно всички изисквания и стандарти по безопосността на храните;
- технически стоки (палубно и машинно оборудване);
- резервни части;
Основна цел на нашата компания е да предостави на своите клиенти стоки и услуги със високо качество на конкурентни цени и кратки срокове на доставка.
Фокусираме се върху иновативност и индивидуален подход в обслужването на клиентите си.

Провизии, напитки, алкохол, цигари

Палубно, кабинно, машинно оборудване


Какво казват клиентите ни за нас:
Herewith we confirm the mutual advantageous cooperation with SEALAND GROUP LTD and we have the pleasure to state that all services, supplies and deliveries were made at all time to our full satisfaction in both quality and delivery terms.
We are grateful to the supply team for the excellent attitude and professionalism in their work to fulfill all Owner and their Vessel’s needs.
We can recommend SEALAND GROUP LTD as a General Supply Company in all Bulgarian ports.
Sergey Kovrin
Herewith we, the undersigned SUNLIGHT COMPANIA NAVIERA S.A have the pleasure to state that we have collaborated with Messer’s SEALAND GROUP LTD during April-May 2016 when mv PARASKEVI, vessel under the management, was undergoing repairs in Varna Shipyard.
We are grateful to the supply team and personally to Mr. Nikolay Mihaylov for their attitude and for supplying provisions and stores of high quality to our vessel and all services always to our full satisfaction.
We can recommend SEALAND GROUP LTD as a Provision and General Supply Company in all Bulgarian ports.
G.FelasSEALAND GROUP LTD as a General Ship Supply Company has the necessary infrastructure, systems and a professional team to provide a comprehensive service in all Bulgarian Ports.
We are grateful to the supply team for their attitude and for supplying provisions of high quality to our vessels and all services are always to our full satisfaction.
We recommend SEALAND GROUP LTD, VARNA as a Provision and General Supply Company in all Bulgarian ports.
Stefko Sivkov