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About Us | SeaLand Group Ltd. - professional ship chandlers - general ship supplies

SeaLand Group Ltd.

anything you need, we do and deliver

Who We Are?

Sea Land Group Ltd is a subsidiary of Cosmos Shipping AD, a Bulgarian shipping company with more than 25 years of experience, specialized in foreign trade, ship management and operation, transport and logistics solutions, manning, technical supply, and ship agency services at all Bulgarian ports.

We have the necessary infrastructure, system and experienced team to provide a comprehensive service, to save our clients time and give them reliability and economic efficiency meeting all their needs by offering our  activity: GENERAL SHIP SUPPLIES

Why Us?

We respect your time. Our professional and highly motivated team will give a prompt and detailed reply to any supply requirement. We are providing smooth delivery to your vessel, just-in-time, treating each customer with courtesy, respect and understanding. Our customers will benefit from our cost-effective solutions, our experience, strong commitment to quality efficient service, access to other services and products and knowledge of the local market.

We are working closely with Galaxy Eco Services to provide bunkering services for our clients.

Our service area covers all Bulgarian sea ports and shipyards as well as the Romanian ports of Constanta, Midia.

Other members of our Cosmos Group Family

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